
These Terms of Service ("terms", "Terms") define the general terms of use of the PickPoint.io ("PickPoint") service, your commitments in the use of the service, our rights and responsibilities in the provision of the service, the service limitations, and other legal information and provisions.

By accessing the content provided by PickPoint, as well as its sub-domains, directories, internal links, and/or files, and by using PickPoint services you certify that you are at least 18 years of age, and you agree to follow the terms indicated herein.

Electronic Signature(s)

You agree to the use of an electronic signature instead of a physical one in legal documents, executable between PickPoint and you.

You agree not to question, challenge or cancel your electronic signature; thereby you agree to use it as your legal signature.

You agree that the electronic signature received from you represents your valid legal signature and can be used for execution of documents where applicable.


You agree that all payments will be carried out via Stripe and will be subject to the Stripe Terms of Service.

General Provisions

  • In order to make timely payments for the service, you need to provide your bank card(s) information to PickPoint and keep this information updated.

  • The payment due date is the day you purchased the service. If the payment due date is later (for example, 31) than the last day of month (for example, 28), then the last day of such month will be considered as the payment due date. The payment due date may change after Changing the Subscription Plan

  • Subscription payments are debited from your card every month on the payment due date. The monthly subscription is paid in advance (unless cancelled by the user). The price of extra calls (if available in your subscription plan) is totaled up for the previous month and added to the payment amount due.

  • If the amount cannot be debited from the current card, PickPoint will attempt to debit money from other cards, in the order they are listed in your account. If the payment fails for all your linked cards, PickPoint will attempt to debit the payment the next day. PickPoint will notify you by email of failed attempts on the first, third, seventh and tenth day. If after 14 days the payment has not been made, the system will suspend the account.

  • PickPoint can debit additional payments in the following cases (including but not limited to): declined card fees, processing fees, service fees, taxes, insufficient funds fees, etc.

  • PickPoint is not responsible for transfer fees, exchange fees, or other service charges requested by your financial institution when paying for PickPoint services.

  • PickPoint may change the subscription or service rates from time to time. Also, PickPoint can decide whether the new or old rates should apply for further payments. In cases where PickPoint decides that your service rates should change, we will notify you not less than 5 days prior to changing your subscription rates.
Changing the Subscription Plan

In case of changing the subscription plan, a recalculation for the billing period is carried out. The remaining balance is the difference between the cost of the current subscription plan, cost of the plan for the past period, and the cost of extra requests made.

OutstandingBallance = CurrentPlanPrice - CurrentPlanPrice*UsedDays/TotalDays - OverlimitAmount*OverlimitPrice, where:

  • Current Plan Price - current subscription rate
  • New Plan Price - new subscription rate
  • Total Days - total number of days in the current accounting period (depends on the number of days in the current month)
  • Used Days - number of days that passed since the last payment was made
  • Overlimit Amount - number of extra requests made in the current period
  • Overlimit Price - cost of extra request according to the current subscription rate
In case your Outstanding Balance is a positive amount, it gets converted to PickPoint Credits. If the PickPoint Credits is a negative number, which can happen when changing to a more expensive subscription plan, the resulting amount is debited from your card.

The new payment due date is set as the day after you changed the subscription plan.

Security Guarantees

The Stripe processing center protects and processes your bank card information in accordance with the PCI DSS 3.0 security standard. The payment information is sent to the gateway using the SSL encryption technology. Further transfer of information is carried out through closed banking networks with the highest level of reliability. Stripe never gives your card information to third parties. For additional authentication of card holders, the 3D Secure protocol is used.

Safety of Online Payments

The personal information you provide (name, address, phone number, email, bank card number) is confidential and is not subject to disclosure. Your credit card details are transferred in encrypted format and are not stored on our web server.

The cloud payments service provider guarantees the safety of all processed online payments. All operations with bank cards are carried out in accordance with requirements of VISA International, MasterCard, and other payment systems. When transferring information, special technologies for secure online payments are used, and the processing of information is carried out on secure high-tech servers of the payment processing company.


PickPoint is licensed by a number of content sources and providers for commercial use and distribution of their content. Therefore, following these agreements, we have the right to distribute such content for your own personal use, as defined herein.

Some of the data that is used, distributed, and provided by PickPoint is related to the ©OpenStreetMap provider. The OSM data is distributed in its natural (often inaccurate or invalid) form; therefore it does not contain any changes, edits, adjustments and modifications made on our side. Such data can be obtained using the Open Database License. For more information please visit www.openstreetmap.org/copyright and www.opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1.0/

You are granted a non-exclusive license to use or display the provided information and data considering that its use (in any form) is consistent with the Terms.

Allowed Usages

You are allowed to store the provided information and data in DBMS for future use.

You can use the provided information and data together with a mapping provider for the purpose of displaying and putting on your site map.

You are allowed to use the provided information and data in any manner not restricted by these terms or any applicable legislation. (See the "Legalities" section below.)

You are allowed to use the provided information and data both on the Internet and the intranet networks.

You are allowed to cache data outside the PickPoint service, though it should be noted that such data may become irrelevant at a certain point of time.

The reselling of the provided information and data for making profit is allowed only after coordinating with PickPoint and obtaining our official written permission.

The use of the provided information and data in order to organize your own geocoding data/API provision service is allowed only after coordinating with PickPoint and obtaining our official written permission.

PickPoint Account

You require a PickPoint account to use our service. You can create your account on our website.
Make sure that the information provided in your PickPoint account is correct, accurate and true.

Keep your password confidential to protect your account. You are fully responsible for all actions performed with your account. Try not to use your PickPoint account password in other third-party applications. Should you find out about any unauthorized use of your account, please contact us immediately by email.

Service Operation Basics

In accordance with the subscription plan you may file a certain number of requests per day. Pricing plans that increase this number withdraw funds in accordance with the assigned service subscription plan. In the case of exceeding the daily limit, as well as upon the use of available PickPoint funds for service subscription plan with the possibility of exceeding the limit, the system blocks further execution of requests from this account. Your requests will be processed starting from the next day at 00:00 UTC after recharging PickPoint funds for corresponding service subscription plans.

For subscription plans with extra requests there is an option to turn them off. To do that, go to the Dashboard – your API Key, and and set the desired limit for the key.

By default, API keys aren't limited.

Privacy and Copyright Protection

PickPoint privacy policy explains how we handle your personal data and protect your privacy when you are using our services. By using our services you agree that PickPoint has the right to use this information in accordance with the privacy policy.

Modification and Termination of Services

Our services are constantly improved. We can add or remove service features or possibilities.
PickPoint can add or modify your service restrictions at any time.
You agree to obey the legislation of the United States of America and your country, region, province, state, city, county and municipality ("home territory") when using the services provided by PickPoint.

You shall not abuse the PickPoint services, use them for prohibited activities, illegal purposes or in other ways that are contrary to these terms.


By providing service(s), PickPoint provides no warranties, expressed or implied, regarding the accuracy, availability or usability of services, provided data and/or information. You are fully responsible for verifying the accuracy of this information. We clearly and unequivocally disclaim any responsibility for any consequences resulting from the use of our services, data, information or website, as well as the information provided here, with the sole exception of the provision of our SLA ("Service Level Agreement").

You agree that services, credits or subscription plans purchased from or by means of PickPoint are based on the no-refund policy and the money paid will not be returned at any reason. Please, exercise sound judgment and budgeting when executing orders and do not execute orders you are unable to pay for. We provide our part and you provide yours by paying for services. In the case of non-payment for a service already used, the cancellation of payment for a service used and/or other contribution to the non-payment for PickPoint you agree to debt collection and/or transfer to a collection agency.

Remedies & Limitations

You agree that you shall guarantee PickPoint, its owners, its operators, its agents, and its companions against damages. You further agree to release PickPoint from any and all liability for damages or compensation arising at any time from or through the use of the site, services, data or information. This section applies to the fullest extent of the law and has no legal effect where it is prohibited.


This agreement is non-revocable, non-transferable and indivisible in maximum accordance with the law, except for personal discretion of PickPoint. These terms are considered valid until otherwise decided by PickPoint, its owners or operators.

Changes / Updates

PickPoint can modify, improve, delete or change one or more of the obligations stated herein at any time. Changes are not retroactive and take effect fifteen days after the date of publication on this page. However, the changes regarding new service features or the changes made for legal reasons take effect immediately upon their publication.